Créée en 1959 par Jean Roeder, l’association EUROAVIA est un réseau regroupant des étudiants de toute l’Europe autour d’une passion commune : l’aéronautique. Au total, ce sont 2000 étudiants qui font vivre cette association dans 36 universités et écoles d’ingénieurs, réparties entre 19 pays. Chaque établissement possède son propre bureau EUROAVIA local A.S. (Affiliated Society), réélu tous les ans, mais l’ensemble des bureaux locaux est géré par le Bureau International qui siège à Delft, en Hollande.
EUROAVIA est une organisation qui veut transmettre à ses membres différentes valeurs basées sur le travail acharné, l’innovation, la conscience culturelle, le travail d’équipe et la gestion de réseau internationale.
En tant qu’association apolitique et à but non lucratif, EUROAVIA est géré exclusivement par des étudiants volontaires avec ses activités et projets divers, entièrement financés par du sponsoring ou des commissions de participation.
Voici le lien vers le site international d’EUROAVIA :
Les objectifs d’EUROAVIA sont multiples:
- Entretenir et développer les relations entre étudiants et entreprises du secteur aéronautique et spatial
- Donner des opportunités aux étudiants européens de se rencontrer, participant ainsi activement à l’intégration européenne
- Représenter les étudiants européens dans le domaine de l’aérospatiale à une échelle internationale
EUROAVIA est donc également pour les partenaires :
- Une manière originale d’entrer en contact avec de futurs ingénieurs européens ;
- Un moyen de développer leur notoriété au sein de l’école et de ses 1100 étudiants ;
- L’opportunité de manifester leur intérêt pour notre école et notre formation
EUROAVIA at a glance
EUROAVIA is the European Association of Aerospace Students, representing the interests of over 2000 students from 38 universities in 19 European countries. Established in 1959, EUROAVIA wants to be a bridge between companies, universities and students. Its goals are:
- To promote European cooperation in the aerospace field by providing opportunities for our members to meet, exchange and learn on all levels.
- To internationally represent European aerospace students.
- To acquaint student members with their future working environmentstimulating contacts with the industry.
EUROAVIA works to develop current and future leaders promoting the EUROAVIA Spirit, a set of common values based upon hard work, innovation, cultural awareness, team work and international networking.
Being both a non-political and non-profit association, EUROAVIA is managed exclusively by voluntary students with its various activities and projects entirely financed by membership fees, sponsorship and participation fees.
The International Board (IB) represents EUROAVIA on the international level. The IB is nominated during the yearly EMEAC (Electoral Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress), which is held in Spring. The nominees form the Designated International Board (DIB) prepare a Business and Financial Plan before they take over their predecessors’ job at the AMEAC (Annual Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress) in Fall.
Affiliated Societies’ representatives participate to these two congresses. Besides the International Board’s election, the representatives discuss future international activities and receive reports from the established international Working Groups. And since the congresses are always organized by one of the 38 Local Groups, they are also an excellent opportunity to see more of Europe!
The Working Groups, then, take care of specific long term project. They have financial and decisional autonomy and report to the International Board and to the EUROAVIA Congress. Some of them are founded on a permanent basis while others expire at the end of their project.
Each year various activities are organized throughout Europe:
- Local activities, for which the Local Groups are responsible, and which include: visits, workshops, lectures, parties and social events;
- International events coordinated by the International Board: fly-ins, Congress meetings, symposiums, the Design Contest / Design Workshop and also airshow presences (EUROAVIA participates in major aerospace exhibitions in Europe, being present at ILA, Berlin, Farnborough and Le Bourget, Paris).
EUROAVIA News is the official organ of communication, quarterly published and entirely composed and published by students.
An internal publication, the Newsletter, is distributed monthly and provides the Local Groups with activity reports of the IB and other LGs, with announcements of forthcoming events.